Paragraph 175
Paragraph 175 was adopted in 1871 and was amended several times. It made homosexual acts between males a crime. It reverted to the old version of the law in 1950 and limited its scope to sex with youths under 18 in 1968, and abolished it entirely in 1988. Suspected offenders would be put in concentration camps where most would die. In the film The Blue Angel Lola and Rath relationship was not approved of and led to him losing his job because of it. Rath was punished because he did not live up societies standards.
"Chuck Out the Men" (Raus mit den Männern), by Friedrich Hollaender (1926)
German versionRaus mit den Männern!(für Claire Waldoff)
Es geht durch die ganze Historie
ein Ruf nach Emanzipation
vom Menschen bis zur Infusorie
überall will das Weib auf den Thron.
Vin Hawai-Neger bis zur Berliner Range
braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall daher:
Was die Männer können, können wir schon lange
und vielleicht ’ne ganze Ecke mehr.
English interpretation
The battle for emancipation's been raging since history began
Yes, feminists of every nation want to chuck off the chains made by man
Hula girls and housemaids and wives in Maribou
hear all our voices thunder in protest
Anything that men do women can do too
and more that that we women do it best
My Interpretation: Women have been fighting for equal rights for a long time. Men are only living up to conditions that press upon them. Women are advocates and supporters of rights and equality and every nation wants to be released from these "chains". The reason I chose this song is because women had to channel their hopes and dreams into satisfying their husband and bringing up his children. At one point this changed even today women are being oppressed in certain jobs that they work in.
"No Time" (Keine Zeit), music by Rudolf Nelson, lyrics by Herbert Nelson
English version
No time, no time, no time.
Yes, we have no time.
Sorry, but we're always on the go,
with tongues hanging out as we run.
We have no spare time.
No time, no time, no time,
no hours nor even a second to spare.
We hardly sleep, we don’t rest.
No time, no time, no time.
German version
Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit. Ja, wir haben keine Zeit. Es tut uns leid.
Wir sind immer auf dem Sprung, haengt uns raus schon die Zung und doch wir rennen, ja wir kennen keine Zeit.
Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Stunde und Sekunde haben wir Zeit. Ja, wir schlafen heute kaum noch, denn wir ruhen uns nicht aus. Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit.
We live in a society where time is a resource that we can use well or poorly. People are sometimes tied up in thier schedules that they cannot participate or enjoy human interactions that are necessary to a fulling life. Time is money they say!