Monday, November 19, 2012

Catholic Center Party
The largest number of supporters of the Catholic Center Party were catholic which made up 34% of the population. There were high numbers of women who choose this party and this was the most diverse party of all the rest. It had a left wing which consisted of liberal trade union and the right wing which consisted of conservative nationalist wing. This party was part of every Weimer government. In 1928 there was a change in leadership and the party drifted more towards the conservative wing then later evolved to Bavarian People’s Party.(BVP) and they often disagreed with the Weimer Republic.

Communist Party (KPD)
This party did not approve of the existence of the Weimer government.This party was established on December 1918 and were in favor of a Russian style dictatorship. This party had an intense dislike and were prejudice against Jewish people they still had Jews around their leaders. As years past they grew more and had a lot of supporters that were unemployed.

German Democratic Party (DDP)

This party supported the Weimer government and were against militarism and antisemitism which led to many Jews voting for this party. This party was mainly made up of Protestant members which were the middle class and apart of the liberal trade union . When the leaders Max Weber and Friedrich Naumann died there was a decline in the Democratic party. Although there was a decline they still played an important role during the Weimer years and became the State Party.

German Nationalist People’s Party (DNVP)
This party was mostly Protestant which included wealthy landowners and those who followed them which are servants and farmers. Industrialists with crafts people were also apart of the party and attracted the conservative. They were against republican government,Versailles treaty, and antisemitic.

German People’s Party (DVP)
This party consisted mainly of Protestant but also included catholics. They also represented small business owners and white collar workers. They supported the Weimer government and were conservatives. Their leader was Gustav Stresemann.

National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP-Nazi)
Adolf Hilter was the leader and main speaker for this party and was found in 1919. The party was against the Weimer Republic and the members tried to take the government by force but failed. they were antisemition and felt that the Jews were a threat and become the main focus point. Well into the 1920's the National Socialist support grew. Although they did not have many women supporters in the 1930's they becaming the fastest growing supporters. In 1932 they became the most popular party.

Social Democratic Party (SPD)
The Social Democratic Party had more Protestant then Catholic supporters. Women voted in large numbers.From 1919-1932 this party recieved the most votes in the national elections and were supporters of the Weimer society.

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