Monday, November 12, 2012

Article 48If a state fails to carry out the duties imposed upon it by the national constitution or national laws, the President of the Reich may compel performance with the aid of armed force.

If public safety and order be seriously disturbed or threatened within the German Reich, the President of the Reich may take the necessary measures to restore public safety and order; if necessary, with the aid of armed force. For this purpose he may temporarily suspend in whole or in part the fundamental rights enumerated in Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153.

The President of the Reich must immediately communicate to the Reichstag all measures taken by virtue of Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of this Article. On demand of the Reichstag these measures must be abrogated.

If there be danger in delay, the state ministry may, for its own territory, take such temporary measures as are indicated in Paragraph 2. On demand by the President of the Reich or by the Reichstag such measures shall be abrogated.

Detailed regulations shall be prescribed by a national law.


Interpretation: This article allows the President to take emergency measures under certain circumstances without the prior consent of the Reichstag. It also gives the power to Reichstag to cancel the emergency by majority vote. It is required that the President immediately inform the Reichstag and the President could in effect counter retaliate under Article 25 and call for new elections.


Article 145. Compulsory education shall be universal. For this purpose the elementary school with at least eight school years, followed by the continuation school up to the completion of the eighteenth year, shall serve primarily. Instruction and school supplies shall be free in elementary and continuation schools.

Imterpretation: Its obligatory to attend school for up18 years. You must complete schooling and the supplies for students.

3 Articles that are different from Bill of Rights

Article 26.
The Reichstag shall choose its own President, its Vice-Presidents, and its Secretaries. It shall determine its own rules of procedure.

Article 96. All railways, including those not serving as means of general communication, must comply with the requirements of the Reich for the use of the railways for purposes of national defense.

Article 142.Art, science, and instruction in them are free. The state guarantees their protection and participates in their promotion

1 comment:

  1. I support the Reichstag method of enforcing the law with the aid of the armed forces during a crisis to restore peace and order. All nations should be like the Germans and enforce the importance of education with the aid as they do. I find the laws under the Reichstag quite interesting.
